Wednesday, January 16, 2008


It just a little tap or spanking what could it hurt? Many parents believe that when they spank their kids it couldn’t cause too much damage. I’m sorry to tell you that carpal punishment can do real damage to your kids. Carpal Punishment can cause children to feel the need to take matter into their own hands like in the novel The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Also it can cause your child to be an aggressive. And might cause then to have mental and health problem when they become adults.

When you hit or spank your kids repeatly, they just feel that this abuse will never stop and it time to take matter into their hands. The novel The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, the character Huck took matter into his hands. Huck father “pap” is always abusing Huck. In chapter six page 29, Huck father chase him around the room with a knife. In chapter seven page 31, Huck tells you that his father abuse him for being slow when he was slow while he was doing work. Huckleberry was enduring all this abuse and couldn’t take it any more. So in response to the abuse Huck decide to matter into his own hands. He decides to run away. Also, in chapter seven page33 Huckleberry decide to runaway. In order for one to find (especially his father) he plan a fake murder. He makes it look like his father kills him. Huck kills a pig and uses the pig blood and summure it around. Then he took the ax and smashed in the door. Then he took an old sack and put a lot of big rock and he started to drag the old sack down to the river and dump it down. He wants to make it look like he was drag and threw in the water. He took very extreme measure to remain safe. Your child might also take extreme measure to remain safe.

Hitting a small child will usually stop misbehavior temporarily. However, other ways of discipline such as verbal correction, reasoning, and time out work as well and do not have the potential for harm that hitting does. Hitting children may actually increase misbehavior. One large study showed that the more you spank your kid for antisocial behavior, the more antisocial behavior increased. Also, the more children are hit the more likely to hit others including peers and siblings and, as adults, they are more likely to hit their spouses. Hitting children them that is acceptable to hit others who are smaller and weaker then them.

Being spanked is an emotional event. Adults often remember with crystal clarity times they were paddled or spanked as children. Many adults look back on corporal punishment in childhood with great anger and sadness. Sometimes people say, “I was spanked as a child, and I deserved it”. It is hard for us to believe that people who loved us would intentionally hurt us. We feel the need to excuse that hurt. Studies show that even a few instances of being hit as children are associated with more depressive symptoms as adults. A landmark meta-analysis of 88 corporal punishment research studies of over six decades showed that hitting of children was associated with negative outcomes including increased delinquent and antisocial behavior, increased risk of child abuse and spousal abuse, increased risk of child aggression and adult aggression, decreased child mental health and decreased adult mental health. While most of adult who were spanked “turned out OK”, it is likely that not being spanked would have helped adults to turn out to be healthier.

In conclusion, look at the facts. Accumulated research supports the ineffectiveness and harm of corporal punishment. Children who are spanked the most are more likely to be aggressive and hit others. Children hit for antisocial behaviors are more likely to increase those misbehaviors. Hitting children teaches acceptance of violence. While most of us who were spanked as children grow up to be healthy adults, spanking caused anxiety, contributed to feelings of helplessness and humiliation, and often provoked anger and a desire for revenge, feelings which have usually been repressed in adulthood but may lead to depression, adult violence, and hitting our own children. Discipline means to teach. We need more discipline of children such as explaining and reasoning, establishing rules and consequences, praising good behavior in children and being good models for or children. Such methods develop a child's conscience and self-control. Children who experience teaching discipline are less likely to misbehave and more likely to become self-disciplined adults. This is how I truly feel.

Huckleberry Finn

Have you ever read the adventure of Huckleberry Finn? Many people believe that the book should not be taught in school. They think the expliant langues; the use of violence, and the constant act of violence should not be taught in school. I beg to differ. I believe Huck Finn should be taught in school for a few reason. This book teaches slaves history, has a great quest details, but most importantly it might encourage student to adventure out and talk to people not their usual click.

We all know this story is fiction. In opoion, this book teaches you slave history throughout the whole story. Huckleberry Finn gives you an n idea on how slave were treated back then. In the story Miss Weston treated her slave with no respect. She all him her, “big Nigger Jim.’ Throughout the whole story white people would call African American Nigger. This was a day-to-day occurance back then. Today in the 21century if a white person calls African American person a nigger a fight could break out. Back then they use the word Nigger like it was a person name. These describe a slave life to the tee.

Huckleberry Finn is an awesome story to analyze. Huck, the main character is experience thing throughout the whole story. I believe that he learn thing that are concrete and abstract. In the story Huck is running from Widow Douglas and his father. To me the Widow represent religion and his father represent abuse. In my option, Widow is shoving religion down his throat and the father is just mean and abuse, she makes him read Mosses and his father says thing like, “Don’t you give mo none “o” your lip. I’ll take you out” (19pg) that a from of vorbale abuse but he also hit him too. Last but not least, this might encourage kids to become friends with people that are different. Huck becomes friends with Jim but Jim is a slave. Huck and Jim are completely different but yet they become friends. This book might encourage kids to make friend with people out of their click.

In conclusion, this is a perfect story to teach in school for a few reasons. When you teach it your student will receive an idea on how slave were treated back then, they will learn how to analyze a story and the they might just learn to try to make friends with people who are different from them. So will be the next teaching this story?