Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Service Learning Project

School Wide.
1. Help old people
2. Use your talent and teach kid younger then you (such as singing)
3.Make art wok and give to children that are sick
4.Have a bake sell and raise money for cancer patient
4. Read to children younger then you
For NhD I did the Constitution Convention and the 3/5 compromises. The information Mr. Bransof covered on this in class raised a high interest in and me. The project has given us an opportunity to learn more about our country history. I was always interested in learning our Constitution. I learn also about our country and the birth of the constitution. I also learn that slavery an issued no really wanted to deal with so when a conflict came about, they made compromise. But in the end those compromise fell apart and lead to the Civil War. Even though I learn a lot about slavery in our constitution I still hate NHD. It was challenging and very difficult. Ii was especially hard to find primary sources for my project because it wasn't that much document on my subject. I really I'm not look forward to next year NHD but next year I'm going to pick something weird like me.